Overseas Property Purchasers
Austin, Texas isn’t only a great place to live – it’s also an excellent place to buy investment properties. If you’re located overseas and need assistance in buying a property, chat to one of our Austin property experts. Our agents speak English, French and Spanish and have the experience and knowledge to help you find the property you’re looking for.
International home buyers
International home buyers approach us for many reasons. Austin is a popular city to move to, vacation in or build up an investment property portfolio in.
Before you consider buying in Austin, it’s a good idea to visit the city and get to know its various neighborhoods. If you can’t visit in person, however, we’ll do our best to give you a sense of the lifestyle and property options in each of Austin’s suburbs.
It’s also a good idea to get professional legal advice when buying a property from abroad. An attorney can handle the process of purchasing your new property, while also ensuring that you comply fully with local property laws.
If you’re overseas and would like to talk to us about buying a home in Austin, TX, call us now and we’ll be happy to assist.