How To Find The Best Apartment In Austin's Tech Boom
For those in the know, Austin, Texas, has been a major part of the expansion of big technological hubs outside the Silicon Valley area for many years now, giving the hill country a new moniker: Silicon Hills. Of course, this sort of growth comes with significant apartment-hunting implications.
For starters, while there are many new apartments in Austin popping up all over the place, most of them fill up incredibly quickly. At the same time, older buildings have begun to raise their standards (and their rent!), and neighborhoods in North Austin, such as The Domain, are in the process of expanding and growing at a rapid pace.
With all this growth and expansion — of tech, people, and housing — the task of actually locating and securing a rented apartment in this area has become a monumental task. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the lay of the land, as well as some of the top tips and tricks for how to find the best apartment in the tech boom of Austin, Texas.
What Does Austin Look Like Now?
With a rapidly changing commerce scene comes a change in demographics. As a college city, Austin has always tilted toward the young and hip, and techies have only increased this trend.
Today, Austin is filled with millennials working as hardware and software engineers, coders, and entrepreneurs. Google and Facebook alone have droves of workers in the Austin area.
This group of young workers felt the bite of the housing crisis just one short decade ago. Because of this, they want to get as much bang for their buck as possible, while also being comfortable at the same time.
As a result of this in influx of young tech workers, apartment complexes have sprouted from the ground nearly overnight. These beautiful buildings have all the amenities that busy techies need to find both leisure and efficiency.
Along with these fancy buildings, a problem has also arisen: lots of people looking for apartments meeting the reality of very expensive housing.
How Do I Find an Apartment in Austin Without Going Broke?
For most people, this is a far more important question. Demographics can be interesting, but they don’t tell the story of the day-to-day life of today’s Austin inhabitants.
In order to find an apartment in Austin, Texas, these days, you need to know a couple of things right off the bat: where to look, how much to spend, and who to ask for help.
Where to Look
To begin with, you need to know where to look for an apartment in Austin. While you likely want to be close to your work, if you have a car, this shouldn’t pose too much of an issue.
One of the best areas to look for housing in Austin right now exists in the Cherrywood neighborhood. This area provides a unique mixture of both older and newer aspects of the Austin scene. Not only is it close to the primary downtown centers, it’s just enough removed to give you a break from the hubbub of the metropolis at night and on the weekends.
Other great options can be found in Hyde Park for the historically minded, Mueller for the modern pedestrian, or North Loop for those looking for the shiniest new toy near the Austin city limits.
How Much to Spend
This wide array of areas can also offer a wide range of rent prices to go with them, so it makes sense to have a lay of the land before actually hopping in the car to go apartment shopping.
If you’re looking for just a bedroom, you can get that for well under a thousand dollars. However, those buildings usually exist for the benefit of college students, so if you’re a working professional, we recommend finding something more independent.
For those seeking a more, shall we say “adulting”, housing situation, you’ll need to have a bit more of a budget with which to work. Apartments in the Mueller area alone can go for anywhere from $1,000 or less all the way up to $3,000 or more! That’s quite a range.
Keep in mind the amount you want to spend before taking that first step of looking around.
Who to Ask for Help
With all the different neighborhoods to choose from and the wildly varying price ranges for rent, how in the world is anyone to find the best apartments in Austin during this incredible tech boom?
Well, there’s one tried and true way to discover the best buildings and apartments and to secure the best rent price possible: connect with the people over at Austin Luxury Realty.
With our years of experience working in Austin, we know exactly where to look and how to go about getting the best price possible. We have connections with all the major landlords in town and can get you in the door wherever your heart desires.
Wherever you are in the process, we can help. Get in touch with us today to set up a free phone call or walkthrough at your convenience.
Austin is a tough place to navigate, especially with its current growing pains, but we make it all as easy as pie. We can’t wait to introduce you to your new apartment!